
Somalia has been engulfed in strife and civil war for more than two decades, wreaking havoc and turning the country into a failed state. Following the devastation of the educational system, a group of Somali professionals came up with the concept of establishing the Capital University on May 14, 2013.
Today, we are a transformational university, not only in the academic sense, but also in terms of its practical application in the community’s
life in order to make a deference. For this reason, we see ourselves as change agents, and we recognize that in order to full that role, we
must combine high academic performance, as promised in our slogan “Committed to excellence,” with rigorous grassroots community work.
Finally, we would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to our valued alumni/graduates, present students, and future applicants. We,
the capital family, extend our heartfelt gratitude to all of our national and international stakeholders and collaborators, and we pledge to continue to enhance educational programs that prepare our children for future success in the real world.
Best Regards.