After the collapse of Somali central government in 1991, the devastating effect of civil war making the country a failed state for more than two decades and the subsequent complete destruction of the educational system had led the idea to establish the Capital University on 14th May, 2013. This was on the grounds of long activity of a team of Somali professionals whose aim was to resurrect the educational institutions starting from establishing schools first in the past 10 years and now with the vision to fulfill the high school leaving students’ dream in getting a higher education.


Capital University of Somalia is non-state, non-profit educational institution, supported by the Capital Company ltd” aimed to foster and develop knowledge through engagement of youth in education and research activities.

Since its inception, it has gone on to secure its place as one of the best places in the country to study as it won the support of the local community in recognition of its outstanding innovation in creating the Culture and Languages’ institute, which contributes in building a solid pre-university foundation for students with regard to English language and scientific subjects.

At the moment its main office is in Mogadishu, Somalia, where there was a need to establish the university and there is a plan to open branches in other parts of the country.

We are committed to excellence and intend to be unique among Somali universities in the breadth of disciplines we offer, providing wide-ranging opportunities for quality education and personal development and to explore new frontiers of knowledge in areas of national importance, to find unique solutions that improve and transform the current situation of the war-torn country. It is seeking to have good collaboration and information sharing with some institutions of its kind working in the same field in different parts of the world.


Our vision is to be excellent, engaged and accessible to provide quality, equitable and affordable education to all communities in Somalia through partnership with local communities/private sector and international organizations. We also aim to be internationally recognized for our leadership in empowering a diverse group of Somali students, to grow their capabilities and transform their lives.


Capital University of Somalia strives to raise awareness of the importance of education and the utilization of available resources to facilitate learning in the society and bridging the gap of knowledge that exists within the society especially among disadvantaged and vulnerable members of the society.

The mission of Capital University is the advancement of education and embodies the spirit of excellence in teaching, research, scholarship, creative activity, outreach, and engagement attained by the professional programs that focus both on research and practice. It provides quality services whereby all these activities of the university are carried out by utilizing the resources and services efficiently and effectively, and to achieve this Mission We:

  • Create caring, safe and healthy environments that support student learning;
  • Provide innovative opportunities for student learning, especially in the areas of self-knowledge, leadership and communication, and social responsibility
  • Promote individual student achievement and excellence in academic pursuits and beyond
  • Invite individual and collective discovery through relationships, partnerships, and collaborations with students, faculty, staff, parents and other members of our community;
  • Challenge students to understand, embrace, and act in accordance with their responsibilities as members and citizen of this country.

Core Values

Student access, which expresses a central principle of the original vision, namely a university open and accessible, to all who merit entrance regardless of their social background. The admission policy of the university reflects this value, as does its commitment to diversity and inclusion and the notion that diversity and excellence are interrelated. For this, the Capital University is addressing this challenge successfully with a program to reduce the costs for students from lower income families and focusing on the following points:

  • Committed to be excellence centre for accessible and affordable education
  • Devoted to professionalism
  • Student centered quality education and research


  • To provide quality higher learning for university education
  • To integrate teaching, research and effective application of knowledge and skills to the life, work and welfare of citizens of Somalia
  • To promote the education system of Somalia by constructing and sponsoring a number of model schools and professional institutes within the framework of the University.
  • To empower the students to apply their knowledge and skills in serving others through a community extension program
  • Maintain or increase reports of active, collaborative and experiential learning both in and outside of the classroom
  • Direct the misled young generation by knowledge and making them love their own community and country
  • Provide an environment that nurtures excellence and high standards of professionalism in teaching, learning, research and community service